Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good Friends, Good Times, and Goodbyes.

So, I figure it would be a move in the right direction for me to start my blogging this semester with telling you all about my going away party. This should be fun, seeing as I love talking about myself, and I REALLY love talking about parties.

I had a joint going away party with my two friends Cece and Elena. Cece is going to Salamanca, Spain, while Elena is going to Sevilla with me. Obviously Spain is a super original to place to go when studying abroad. It is almost like no one does it.... right? Cece and Elena are great, so get ready to hear about them a lot. We had our party at a friend's house. They have hosted several parties this semester, (BP pre-game, UAB after party, Halloween, and now our going away party) and have never disappointed. Let's just say these peeps know how to throw down. Cece made a facebook event, and we probably invited about 100 people. Keep in mind that I said 100, and the start time of the party was 10 pm.

This picture was taken at about 10:40. This is literally every person that was at the party at that time.

If you had trouble counting, there are exactly nine people in this picture, NINE. We felt real cool. NOT.

Around 11pm, the party took a turn for the better. All at once everyone showed up. It could not have been more fun. I am a lucky girl with the best friends in the whole world. I don't know if so many people came because I am leaving for four months or the fact that it was a Friday and people wanted to get drunk. Let's be real, it was most likely the latter. It doesn't matter one bit to me, because the party was full of fun friends. I could not imagine a more perfect way to spend my last weekend in Knoxville.

Here are a few of my favorite pics:

Just some of the lady friends

BEE JAY and me- he is cheezing, and I look borderline terrified.

I imagine that we were saying something a bit like, "9999.10101010"

Not quite sure about this one, but so fun.

Just another neck TAT. 

There is a plethora of reasons why I love this one. The guido in the front and Nick Stewart's closed eyes are two of my favorite reasons. 

Couple's retreat right here, is it weird that I am not even mad that they like each other more than they like me?

Few parties that I have attended have topped this one. I am sure my opinion is biased, since the party was a celebration of me. Whatever though, I had a blast, and I hope everyone that came can say the same thing.

I have so much to look forward to in the next four months. I literally cannot wait to be in Spain soaking up the food, drinks (mainly red wine), people, and culture. Once again wish me luck, and check back soon.

This is SLY-cat over and out.

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