Thursday, February 3, 2011

Elena turned 21. Then she turned into a Gypsy.

So, I deem it extremely necessary to tell you trusty bloggerz about Elena's 21st birthday.

Before I start I need to explain a few things. First off, you may be wondering why I made the gypsy reference in the title. I LOVE gypsies. They are probably the only reason I came back to Europe. I could sit and watch them all day long. The best part about them is that there are several different types. You have the gypsy who may try to sell you useless merchandise, like miniature Eiffel Tower figurines. There is also the Ring Guy gypsy. The Ring Guy is the type of gypsy that tries to duke you by asking if you have dropped a big golden ring. You probably think I am kidding, but I am not. Last year in Paris, Annalise and I had quite the run in with him. And of course, there is the type of gypsy like Esmeralda from the Hunch Back. She wears lots of scarves, golden jewelry, she is probably of easter European descent, and she asks you for money while she attempts to pick pocket you.

If you don't quite have a handle on what she may look like, here is a picture:

What a jem. You get the idea... and what I am getting at is I love gypsies so much. Because of this, I am trying to bring about a new fad, that in my opinion, is righteous. I am starting to use the word "gypsy" on the reg. "What the Gyp?"and "You are so lame, stop being such a gypsy right now." would be two very good examples of what I am trying to explain.

So, I am sure you have been able to put two and two together, seeing as it was Elena's 21st birthday. She got wild and legit turned into a gypsy.

The night started out with us going to a cerveceria (little pub that usually has food and beer for sale). We invited a few  new friends that we had just met to come a long as well.

Here is a picture of our first round of Spanish beers:

Shortly after a few rounds of these guys, we started our night on the town. Maria is a girl in our program who is from Colombia, and she speaks Spanish fluently. In Europe, all the club promoters stand on the streets and promise you free drinks and shots if you come to their club. Maria hooked us up, and made sure we would be a having a good night. We went to some bars, and I bought Elena quite a few drinks. True to Elizabeth form... I also bought myself quite a few drinks to keep up. Oooops. Here are a few pics of the fun night:

 Amigos nuevos!

 Tequila shotz can never be a good start...

 Not limes,  just lemons. Oh, Spans....

 Some sketchballs we met on the street. Naturally we took pictures with them.

El groupo mas mejor (the best group).

As you can see we had a WONDERFUL night. It was wild! The most crazy part of the night was definitely the walk home with Elena. She had hit her limit, and had a bit of a problem fending for herself. She needed the help of Brad and me to get her back to the hotel. Andrew was there too, but sensing that he could get some really great footage, I handed him my camera and told him to go to town. He got some great footage alright. He let the video recorder function roll. When I woke up in the morning I had a five minute hilarious video saved on my camera. It documents our wild walk home, and I could not be happier about Andrew's cinematography skills. Sorry to disappoint, but I cannot post the video. As a friend to Elena, it would just not be right. However, he did snap some quick shots:

 I look ridiculous, but if you look in the background, Elena is headed down fast.

Clearly, she was headed down fast.

I can honestly say that the night of Elena's birthday was one of the most fun nights I've had in a long time. It will definitely be memorable, and I cannot wait to top it. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post, because it is truly my favorite so far. Thank you for all the wonderful feedback. You guys have made me feel like I am not wasting my time blogging, and I am so glad y'all have liked it so far. Keep the comments coming! 

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